Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 6: The lazy sunday!

Thoroughly enjoying my positivity experiment... I get to relive the best parts of the day at the end of the day and go to sleep on a positive note!

So, here goes my 5 for the day:

1. Got up real early today... even though it was a sunday! Why? -To enjoy the amazing rain! It was pouring like never before... and it rained continuously for 5 hrs... Woke up my friends also! :)

2. Me and dad sat down to write down our family tree (with a little help from grandmom)... and we jotted down around 214 names... went up by 4 generations.... I got one huge family :). Dad has got amazing memory... he rattled off relatives names and the maiden names of the people who got married into the family! (btw this entire exercise really irked my mother, since we didnt get any work done around the house on sundays also!)

3. Finally, i cleaned up my room! I can now find books, maybe it will make me study! And i got 2 rooms now (mine and my bro's- missing him, he is off to hostel!)
the 'Before' and 'After' of the huge task!
4. Sold away old newspapers- and earned money (since i arranged and weighed them, i get to keep the money- sundays can be rewarding too!)

5. Had a mango... the season hasn't gotten over yet it seems, since the mango was delicious!

(a mosquito just bit me and my ankle is bleeding, otherwise i would have rambled more!)

1 comment:

Sucheta Tiwari said...

Hahaha @ the before and after pics!

Sundays are so great :)

and whoa! the family tree must have been fun. i love doing these little things with dad too.

Nice penultimate day post ;)