I remember I simply dreaded my first day at colg...I braced myself for the worst kind of ragging...But, our seniors r sweet, there was no serious ragging...
Upto a level, ragging is fine...infact gud....coz it kinda builds a base for interacting wid the seniors....for eg. even after 7 months of med school, I mostly know only those seniors who took our ragging...During the ragging days, v were all scared...couldnt dare to oppose or even talk to our seniors (or Doctorini Sahibas as they liked to be called)...they made us dress like bais, talk only in shudh hindi, do all kinds of funny stuff...n the icing on the cake...v were not allowed to laugh... One slight giggle n v had had it...That time was like a nightmare...but now reminiscing those days, I feel wat was there to b afraid of...nuthing...
I think ragging is gud enuf...but one should b within the limits...no crossing the stop line...
its an optimist approach towards ragging nd i feel its da best approach.....as per my experience seniors n ragging r da most memorable moments of life....!!
after some years too....raggin period acts as an interesting topic among frns to hv a non-ending gossip.....!!....above all, it bridges da gap between a +2 student nd a gud professional...!!
well....i got to c ur profile while i was jus searchin for a frn of mine on orkut.....ur post was refreshin nd reminded me of my ragging....hence i was nt able to resist myself for da comment.....!!:-)
haha... the pic totally got me!!
totally agree wid ur views on ragging...n i know just what u thot of...many of my batchmates DO disagree...:(
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