The greens. The rains. The views. The grass. The structures. The happy-smiling faces all around. The kids. The company. The walk. Even the splish-splash puddles. Everything about this date with Delhi was perfect.
The occasion- showcasing Delhi to a Dutch friend.
The venue- Central Delhi and the seat of India's politics!
The ambience- water all around- in the air, on the ground.
The conversations- everything India- the past, the culture, the languages, the reservations, the glory- the gory, the politics, the corruption, the changes.
We (me and dreamyme) started of with explaining the way Delhi is arranged- Old Delhi, New Delhi. We decided to cover the new and started from the centre- Connaught Place (for me it will never be Rajiv Chowk)- from Inner Circle's metro station to a lunch in the Middle Circle to walk along the Outer Circle to the Agrasen ki Baoli- the monument that got a pretty delayed recognition! (I still remember the first time I went, there wasn't a single soul who could guide us, even the cops of KG Marg had never heard of it, it wasn't on Google maps, we reached that breathtaking place with just a name and a description).
The rain and the clouds, the high rise buildings creeping up behind the well preserved age-old rock structure, the pigeons, the trees- everything makes this the place to relax and breathe in. Once a rainwater harvesting system, it now lies non-functional yet offers a cool breeze on a hot summer afternoon.
From there onwards we went to where every Delhite flocks to as soon as there is any improvement in the weather- yes, you are right- India Gate.
We were walking.
The clouds were pouring.
The kids were smiling.
The clouds were pouring.
The kids were smiling.
The couples were flirting.
Umbrellas/ raincoats couldn't stop us from getting drenched. As we walked along the 3km stretch of Rajpath, the Parliament house to the right, the Raisina Hill looming in front of us, a silhouette of the Rashtrapati Bhawan just visible, and an occasional bird flying across, it was the perfect picture (alas the camera was not waterproof).
"Taking pictures all the time turns you into an observer. It traumatically takes you out of the moment."
- Julie Delpy (2 Days in Paris)
I couldn't go go click-click-click-click-click because of the rain. So, today was all about soaking in (both the rain and the moment)... And then a customary click here and a click there braving the rain (yet I have a lot of pics and a blurry lens now).
Every few seconds, there was a taxi coming up, the window rolling down, a tourist peeking, a camera clicking and the car turning back to go. That's not the way to enjoy the glory of the place, I have been there done that. But, I was doing it all wrong.

We arrive at the war memorial that has through time witnessed all the joys, the independence, the agitations, the injustices, the blooming loves, the friendships, the families and the celebrations of Delhi. (innumerable candle vigils with the Jessica Lal case starting the trend, the anti-reservation protests, the midnights snacks, the cricket celebrations, the republic day parades, the latest Anna campaigns). We see people drenching in the rain, and in the fountains and in the ponds.
The picturesque view, the feel of the wet grass, the sound of raindrops were three senses checked. India Gate satisfied the other two. The wonderful smell of 'bhutta' (corn cobs) wafting through the air and the taste of it. A perfect finish! India Gate at all times attracts street vendors- the 'pink'est candy floss (mmmm...), bubble blowers, helicopter toys, bright balls, the crazy devil horns, instant photo-waalas, bhelpuri, gol gappe, fruit chaats, chai-waalas, and the ever famous ice-cream vendors!
Sweltering heat or piercing cold...
Rain or no rain...
One can never go hungry from here.
A perfect date with a city I have lived in forever and yet am discovering again and again.
P.S Why was this was so very special to me- I have been pretty much home the past 2 months as a nocturnal creature (thanks to our education system and more so to my lack of interest in the system whatsoever, I probably have to do this for another year!). So, I have been bereft of even sunshine, let alone the beauty of rain.
P.P.S 12hours later, now, as I sit down to pen type this- it is dawn- the sun went down and came up again yet the rain has refused to stop.
Signing off with a view from my window!
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Blog title courtesy the group on Facebook- DateWithDelhi. Follow them for some amazing pictures.